Monday 5 January 2015

Welcome to my blog!

New Year always gets me thinking of what I have done throughout the year, and what I would like to achieve in the coming year. It’s been almost 4 years since I left my country, Indonesia to live in a faraway, cold yet beautiful country called Canada.

The first thing I realized about living abroad is how easy life was back home in Indonesia. I have heard stories from friends who live abroad; but of course until I experienced it, the stories didn’t really sink in. Life back home in Indonesia is easy. By easy I mean, accessible, affordable and available. Even in a big city like Jakarta, you don’t need to earn a lot of money to live comfortably. You only need to earn enough and life is good.

I am talking about all the warungs (small and modest restaurant or café) and food stands that are scattered everywhere, at every corner of every street. They are delicious, fast and cheap! Why bother cooking if you can get a meal for less than $2? And it can be delivered to your doorstep too if you don’t feel like going out. Most of the times without a delivery fee.

I have never bothered to cook before. Growing up, my family was not rich, but we had a helper or two who lived with us to cook and clean the house. And when I started to live on my own, I just never bothered cooking and bought my food all the time. Don’t get me wrong here, eating out in Indonesia doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. Of course there is some street food that is not healthy, but if you know where to go, you can get cheap, tasty and healthy food, everywhere!

The saying that says you don’t know what you have until it’s gone? It’s so right!

I never really appreciated the accessibility, affordability and availability of those things back home. And when I moved to Canada, it hit me. I knew nothing on how to prepare the food that I like. Nothing!

I miss my Indonesian food so much and no one here in Canada can do it for me. Well, there are some Indonesian restaurants of course but I can’t afford eating out every day like when I was back home. And that was the moment of truth. I realized that I need to take charge of my life. I realized that I need to learn a lot of things on my own, because here in Canada I don’t have tukang (handyman) that I can call whenever I need some fixing; I don’t have pembantu (maid/helper) to cook and clean for me; and there is no laundry kiloan (laundry by kilo) that I can just send off my dirty clothes to. Here in Canada, I have to learn to do things by myself.

And that’s when I got into cooking. I have always loved food; to me eating is something really religious. Other people meditate to find peace, or go to church and pray to find salvation; I eat! I eat not because I have to eat, I eat because I love experiencing food; and this is not an exaggeration. Eating has been something that’s very beautiful to me, and now that I cook it becomes more like a ritual. It is so beautiful to know what’s in your food and to take time to prepare it and then eat it with your loved ones.

In the past years, I have been posting my cooking and baking on Facebook; and of course in the beginning my friends back home could not believe that I can cook that dish and this dish. Several of my friends have been begging me to write a blog about it and I had been ignoring them with classic reasons. Life is busy. Work, family, could not find the time. However, this New Year the feeling is getting stronger and stronger: I should do something about my passion of food. Even the smallest step can lead to big things, right?  So here I am now. Writing and soon will be posting Indonesian recipes for all the hungry Indonesians abroad and for those who want to start their journey with me in exploring Indonesian cuisine.

I am humbled by any of you who are reading my blog; flattered if any of you decide to try one of my recipes in your kitchen; and grateful if somehow what I do brings you happiness.

Happy New Year and let’s start cooking!

 Hungry Indonesian Abroad


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