Sunday 22 February 2015

Slow Cooker Rendang (Beef Stew)

Rendang (Indonesian Beef Stew) was voted the best food in the world by CNN Travel back in 2011.  Originally from Sumatra, it is one of the most beloved food among Indonesians; but to be completely honest, who has the time to make it? The traditional making of Rendang is so tedious, and it takes long hours.  I for one, do not have the patience; so I started to experiment making Rendang in a slow cooker. This kitchen gadget is my best friend. The meat falls apart beautifully, and I find it better tasting than having the meat in cubes.

So, here it is...a lazy version of making Rendang; just dump all in the slow cooker and let it simmer overnight.

2 tbsp. chopped shallots
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp dried chili
2 tbsp. peanut or corn oil ( to fry)
1 1/2 pounds beef top sirloin, uncut
4 cups coconut milk
1 tsp ginger, minced
4 kafir lime leaves
3 bay leaves
Salt and pepper (to taste)
Fried shallots (to serve)

Crush the shallots, garlic, salt, turmeric and chili into a paste. Fry in the oil for two minutes.

Put the whole meat in the slow cooker, rub the meat with the paste. Add the coconut milk, ginger, kafir lime leaves, bay leaves and simmer in low heat for 12 hours, covered (overnight).

When you wake up in the morning, the meat will fall apart easily. Taste, add salt and pepper as needed. Keep cooking the meat in low heat until about 2-3 hours before serving time then switch to high heat, uncovered. It will dry up the liquid quickly.

Garnish with fried shallots on top. Serve with warm rice.


1 comment:

  1. seems so familiar...your writing style and the recipes hehehe. Very nice blog as reference!
